The Writer's Quest

Beyond corrections and constructive written feedback on your written work, we are also committed to helping you discover your writing ability and improve your writing skills so that you can become a more effective, confident writer. We do this by accompanying you on your writer’s journey. We meet with you live and work through selections from your actual writing, which becomes transformed into the live site of learning and discovery. The intention is to develop confidence, fluency, proficiency, and deepened appreciation for what it means to write and how to do it in a clear, effective, and meaningful way.

Live, Guided Writing Workshops seek to offer learners from all walks of life the opportunity to discover writing anew as “the writer’s quest”. Along the way, we intend to explore 1.) the purpose of writing (why write?), 2.) the various approaches, mindsets, and practices of writing (how to write?), 3.) the different forms of writing (what kinds of writing are there?), drawing upon exemplary writing for guidance but also facing the dangers, difficulties and pitfalls of writing (what to avoid, watch out for). In order to do this, we turn to and explore the confluence of writing and life in 4.) the lives of exemplary authors across the ages.




WRITING AS VOCATION (Collaborative Efforts)